How can you Personalise and Optimize Your Clinical Trials Search Results

Top tips on personalizing your search results and exploring new options

Ruslan Enikeev avatar
Written by Ruslan Enikeev
Updated over a week ago

You can maximize the Search and Match potential of Oncoshot for your own benefit by ensuring the following: 

  1. Setting up a Complete Profile: The more complete your Profile is, the higher are your chances of finding the most relevant and meaningful Clinical Trial options for your particular case. Profiles that are at least 85% complete have the best chance of finding high-value trials.

  2. Ensuring Accurate Information: With accurate information about all details of your Cancer case, Oncoshot will provide you with equally accurate search results of relevant Clinical Trial options. 

  3. Regular Updating of Your Profile: A Cancer patient with ongoing treatment, needs to regularly update the details that have changed in his or her Profile.   

  4. Updating Your Investigations and Reports: It is important that you refer to the latest records of Reports, Scans, and Investigations while entering details of your current Cancer status. 

Always ask for help!:
If you need any help with creating your Patient Profile, you can ask for help from your Oncologist about your Cancer case, and from the Oncoshot helpdesk regarding the Profile questionnaire screens.

How Oncoshot Can Help You?

Oncoshot uses an advanced algorithm to match your profile with an extensive and specialized database of Cancer Clinical Trials from across the world. The Search outcomes provide you with a list of highly relevant and meaningful Clinical Trial options to suit your particular Cancer case. Get started now by creating your profile.

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