Your Customized Cancer Treatment Plan

An approach towards exploring all potential options for your condition

Ruslan Enikeev avatar
Written by Ruslan Enikeev
Updated over a week ago

The Standard Treatment options for your specific condition is one important part of your Overall Cancer Treatment Plan. The other significant part, which is commonly neglected or left unexplored, are the options of Cancer Clinical Trials relevant to you. 

Having access to the the right clinical trials with the support of your medical team offers the possibility of receiving treatment that may positively impact your quality of life and outcomes - compared to the available standard therapies. It is vital that patients, caregivers and Oncologists constantly evaluate clinical trial options alongside standard therapies at every decision making point in a patient's cancer journey.

How To Design Your ‘Customized Cancer Treatment Plan’ ?

In today’s world, as a Cancer patient, you are empowered to design your own ‘Customized Cancer Treatment Plan’. What does that mean exactly? 

STEP 1: You can discuss the market-available Cancer Treatment options – that are suitable for your particular case - with your Oncologist. 

STEP 2: You can explore the Cancer Clinical Trial Landscape [create your profile here] to find Clinical Trial Options suitable for your particular case. 

STEP 3: You and your Oncologist can review information from the above and design a ‘Customized Cancer Treatment Plan’ with an Optimum Mix of Cancer Treatment Options + Cancer Clinical Trial Options. 

How Oncoshot Can Help You?

Oncoshot uses an advanced algorithm to match your profile with an extensive and specialized database of Cancer Clinical Trials from across the world. The Search outcomes provide you with a list of highly relevant and meaningful Clinical Trial options to suit your particular Cancer case. Get started now by creating your profile.

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